

Posted January 29th 2008 | Filed Under: Computers + Design Concepts +Mice/Trackballs

Lite-On Technology Mouldable Mouse

As far as concepts go, and especially as far as computer mouse design is concerned, we have to admit that this highly innovative Mouldable Mouse concept from Lite-On Technology certainly appeals to us as achieving the maximum in comfort is very much left to your own, capable hands.

Manufactured from lightweight mouldable clay covered by a nylon and polyurethane blended fabric, the mouldable mouse can, quite literally, be shaped by the user to their exacting personal preferences ensuring the maximum of comfort and versatility.

Lite-On Technology Mouldable Mouse Detail

Winner of a Red Dot Design Award, and truly a mouse that caters equally for the left and right handed, the Mouldable Mouse comes complete with stick on buttons and touch sensitive scroll pad that can be placed at will thanks to communicating with the mouse’s innards via radio transmission.

[Source | Dvice]

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