
【MACお宝鑑定団 blog(羅針盤)】大型スピーカーを搭載した「iPad (2nd generation)」は、2011年1月発売?

Posted by danbo at 05:05


CG image

中国の情報筋が語った内容として、新しい「iPad (2nd generation)」は、現在のiPadよりも3mm小さくなっていて、高さ 239mm、幅186mmというサイズに変わるようです。

液晶サイズは9.7インチで変更は無く、背面が、iPod touch (4th generation)のようにフラット化されてるようです。




信憑性は定かではありませんが、フロントには、FaceTimeカメラが搭載され、背面には、iPhone 4と同じレベルのカメラが搭載されていて、動画撮影が可能になっているようです。

3D Create:Taiyo Fujii

According to an anonymous Chinese source, next iPad will be 3mm smaller than the current one. The height of the new iPad will be 239mm and the width will be 186mm.

The LCD screen will remain the same in size and the back face shape of the case will be flat like an iPod touch.

Some leaked photos show that a hole in the lower right of the rear panel is neither a USB connector nor a SD card slot. It is a large, wide-ranged speaker unit covered with metal mesh.

Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) has been moved to the upper center of the rear panel and has new 3mm slim hole.

The 3G model has parts for antennas in the upper part in the same way as the present.

According to the source, the production stock has been started to prepare for the new iPad and shipping date seems to be sometime between mid to end of January.

It is unreliable information but new iPad may have two cameras. One in the front is for FaceTime and the other in the back is the same quality as iPhone 4. The rear camera will be able to take movies.

May the force be with you...

Posted via email from 米良的草窝

