Copied from Peter Guo's Buzz
本次回帖之所有內容(包括但不限於漢字、拼音、外文字母、單詞、句子、圖片、影像、錄音,以及前述之各種任意組合等等)完全是複制粘 貼,來源於國際互聯網,本人並不明白其全部或部分之意思(包括但不限於對所複製粘貼之內容的識別、閱讀、理解、分析、記憶等等),故本人不對以上及本內容 負任何法律責任(包括但不限於刑事、民事責任)及其他潛在責任與義務(包括但不限於相關國家已存在、正在形成、未來將形成之的法律法規之責任),請不要跨 省追捕(包括但不限於省級市級州級縣級鎮級鄉級村級行政機關、企事業單位、司法機關、立法機關等等任何機構、單位、組織及該機構、單位和組織中的任何個 人)。要詳查請親自直接聯繫原作者,
另:本人持有居住地三級甲等醫院心血管科、心胸外科、精神科、神經內科、神經外科、遺傳學科所出具有法律效力之健康證明,可證明本人無心髒病史及家族病 史,無做噩夢病史及家族病史。同時還持有由本人幼兒院老師、院長、院黨委書記、小中大學班主任、校長、校黨委書記以及數十親友共同簽字證詞,可證明本人素 無參與或企圖參與躲貓貓、彈腦門及任何可能危害生命健康的不良遊戲之意向。謝謝!
Hereby I solemnly declare:
All contents of this reply (including but not limited to Chinese characters, Pinyin, foreign letters, words, sentences, pictures, images, sound recordings, as well as any combination of the aforementioned varieties, etc.) are copied and from the Internet, and I do not understand all or part of the meaning (including but not limited to identification, reading, understanding, annnalysis, memory, etc. of the copied and pasted contents ), I do not bear any legal liability (including but not limited to criminal , civil liability) and other potential liabilities and obligations (including but not limited to the liabilities resulted from related existing laws and regulations, and those being formed and to be formed in the country) for above contents, please do not chase me across provinces (including but not limited to any agencies, units, organizations from the national-, provincial-, county-, township-, and village-level administrative organizaitons, enterprises, institutions, judiciary agencies, legislature agencies, etc., and any individual from agencies, units and organizations). For a detailed investigation, please contact the original author directly.
In addition, I'm holding the health certificates with legal force provided by departments of cardiovascular, cardio-thoracic surgery, psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, genetics of any Level 3 Grade A hopital in my resident place, which can prove that I don't have any history of heart diseases and their family history, and history of nightmare and its family history. Moreover, I'm also holding the testimonials co-endorsed by the teachers, president and secretary of the CCP of my kindergarden, party secretary of homes, small in the University of class teachers, head teaches, principals and secretaries of the CCP of primary and high schools, head teaches, president and secretary of the CCP of university I studied, as well as dozens of relatives and friends, which can prove that I never have the intention to participate or attempt to participate any harmful game such as hide-and-seek game, forehead knocking and any game that is harmful to life. Thanks!
Posted via web from 米良的草窝