

Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X 里看到这么一段话~挺有意思的~~~

Once upon a time, there was a company called Taligent, which was created by IBM and Apple to develop a set of tools and libraries like Cocoa. About the time Taligent reached the peak of its mindshare, I met one of its engineers at a trade show. I asked him to create a simple application for me: A window would appear with a button, and when the button was clicked, the words "Hello, World!" would appear in a text field. The engineer created a project and started subclassing madly: subclassing the window and the button and the event handler. Then he started generating code: dozens of lines to get the button and the text field onto the window. After 45 minutes, I had to leave. The app still did not work. That day, I knew that the company was doomed. A couple of years later, Taligent quietly closed its doors forever.

可以想象,这个故事一定发生在OO刚刚起步的年代~那个年代几乎把 inheritance 当作所有问题的 Killer Pill~随着技术的演化,在无数的 Developer 对着一堆堆让人眼花缭乱的继承树(特别是像C++这样具有多继承能力的预言的继承树)浪费的无数的 Working Hour,杀死了无数自己的脑细胞后,人们终于开始意识到或许应该有一种比 Inheritance 更好的方式去处理某些问题~ 于是有了 Composition 有了 Delegate~~~甚至把继承深度作为了代码可维护性的一个重要指标!

看新的预言中~C# 和 Java 拿掉了多继承~ 在产生变种对象的时候,Java 是采用 Handler 的新类,其实就是 Delegate 的方式~ C# 对于比较重量级的对象(比如 Form,Window,Page)依然采用 Inheritance ,但是对于轻量级的对象(Button,TextBox,MIenutem)时则采用更为灵活的方法级别的Delegate~
C#的方式和 Cocoa 比较类似。
Cocoa 中,由于界面采用溜达MVC模式~需要大量定制的对象,比如Window,View,会采用继承重载的方式。需要改变行为时一般会 Controller,而要改变Visual时,通常会重载Visual Element对象本身~ 而轻量级的定制,或者仅仅是响应某些交互的话,则会采用Delegate的方式~比如Application的Delegate~~


Release your passion
To Realize your potential

I am a pessimist, I feel I'm living in a world without light.
But I am also a prayer, I believe I’m going towards a world full of sunshine!

Posted via email from 米良的实验室

